


In Summer 2024 AVSSP are able to offer our extremely popular Holiday Camps once again!

Offering hundreds of children each day the chance to take part in sports, games, arts & craft, swimming and much more our camps are extremely popular and offer a great way to have fun, make new friends and be physically active!

When:  Wednesday 24th July – Friday 16th August 8:30am-3pm (excl. weekends)

Where: Ripley Leisure Centre & William Gregg VC Leisure Centre Heanor & Alfreton Leisure Centre

Who: Children aged 5 -11 years of age

How to book: Click here to access our booking page. 

Details: Places are charged at £20 per day, per child

What do I need to bring: A packed lunch and drink (lunch provided for funded places), swimming kit, sports clothing and footwear

What you need to know

AVSSP holiday camps will run from 08:30am to 15:00pm Mon-Fri, first day being Wed 24th July. Our activities include various sports, games and physical activities as well as arts & crafts, games and enrichment activities.

Eligibility – Holiday camps are open to children aged 5 – 11. Places are limited and children cannot attend without a pre-booked place.

Clothing – Please be aware that all of our camps are sports based and your child will be partaking in activities that require them to be physically active. They should come to us dressed in appropriate sporting attire that they will be comfortable in for the day. Footwear such as trainers need to be worn as there may be both indoor and outdoor activities. If you child is not in appropriate clothing then they may not be able to participate in certain activities.

Swimming Kit- You the customer are responsible for ensuring that if your child is attending a venue in which we offer a swimming session (Alfreton LC, Heanor LC and Ripley LC) then your child will require appropriate swim wear and their own towel. This must be brought in a named bag.  If your child comes without a swimming kit they will not be allowed to participate in this session. If your child cannot swim or doesn’t want too every effort will be made to allow them to join in a different activity however this may not always be possible.

Timetables – throughout each day children will take part in a range of sports, games, arts & crafts as well as swimming, gymnastics, inflatables and even bowling at selected sites. Timetables are not available to parents in advance due to the changeable nature of leisure centre facility access and staff preferences.

Participation – if on occasion your child does not want to take part in the timetabled activity they will be encouraged but not forced to take part. If possible they will be allowed to join a different activity, however this may not always be possible.

Packed Lunch – Children will need to bring a pack lunch with them and a drink (lunch provided for funded places), we are able to refill water bottles if needed.. Please ensure you do not pack any nuts. 🥜 

Medical needs, Allergies & Medication – if your child has any allergies or medical needs you MUST make us aware of them through your booking form. You may be asked additional questions either in advance or on arrival about how we can support your child. Please note AVSSP WILL NOT administer medication or make any medical assessment of your child – we are able to store medication for those children able to self-administer.

Illness & COVID-19 – if your child is presented symptoms of COVID-19 or is generally unwell please do not send them to camp to avoid spreading any illnesses onto children and staff. Please inform staff via holidaycamps@avssp.co.uk. Full refunds will be offered where applicable if attendees act in accordance with our cancellation policy below.

Partner Sites – at all sites we may utilise partner facilities in short walking distance of the advertised centre. Details of these venues and appropriate risk assessments can be found here.

Lost Property – Each venue will keep a lost property box throughout the school holiday period – any items not collected by the end of the period will be donated to local charity shops.

Signing In/Out – A parent/carer/guardian must be present at drop off and collection. An adult will need to sign in with a member of staff to ensure the correct details are on register with us, upon collection our staff member will check to ensure each child is collected by the adult on register*.
*If a child is to be collected by someone else this information must be made known to us upon signing in.

Leaving early/Arriving late – you are welcome to arrive later than 9am or collect earlier than 3pm should you wish. Please inform staff in advance or on arrival so we know to expect you. Please note partial refunds will not be available in this scenario.

Behaviour – AVSSP have a responsibility to ensure all children are safe and able to enjoy their day. If a child is breaching our expected code of behaviour parents/guardians will be contacted and in some rare instances will be expected to collect children early and in even rarer instances may have future bookings cancelled.

Cancellations – All cancellations must be made directly in writing to holidycamps@avssp.co.uk in advance notice of 48 hours prior to the start date of your booking. Should you need to cancel a booking with us after this point please call 07555 697591 and speak to a member of our team.

No Show Policy – Please be aware that you have an obligation to notify us of any changes or cancellations to your bookings with us. We would appreciate as much notice of these as possible to enable us to complete your requests promptly

❌🥜Please ensure you do not send your child with any nuts. 🥜❌


Alfreton Leisure Centre, Church Street, Alfreton, DE55 7BD

Registration: Bowls Hall Entrance (located at bottom of leisure centre car park)

Collection: Bowls Hall Entrance (located at bottom of leisure centre car park)


Ripley Leisure Centre, Derby Road, Ripley, DE5 3HR

Registration: Main Leisure Centre entrance

Collection: Main Leisure Centre entrance – exit via fire exit


William Gregg VC Leisure Centre, Hand’s Road, Heanor DE75 7HA

Registration: Main Leisure Centre entrance – sign in at the Sportshall (downstairs)

Collection: Main Leisure Centre entrance – collect from the Sportshall (downstairs) exit via fire exit into car park.

Thank you 💙

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week with the focus being My Voice Matters. My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. When we feel empowered, there’s a positive impact on our wellbeing. Children who feel that their voices are heard and can make a difference, have a greater sense of community and better self-esteem.

To get involved in this year Children’s Mental Health Week, head over to Place2Be’s Website to download helpful classroom resources that can be used to get children talking and thinking about how they can best express themselves and what they need to feel empowered!

As we come to the end of the first term a brief update on how our CPD programme has shaped up so far this year and what is upcoming in term two.

Our CPD programme aims to improve school staff confidence and competence within different areas of Physical Education, School Sport, and Physical Activity. By upskilling staff within schools, we are providing more sustainable opportunities for pupils to access and thrive within this sector and therefore promote active and healthy lifestyles.

This term we have had a total of 4 sessions two PE Practical Delivery Sessions in Athletics and Gymnastics and two PE and School Sport Improvement Sessions based around how to be a more active school and our guest speaker session with Teach Active on how to make Maths more active. These have been well attended with 20 different schools having accessed at least one of these sessions.







We know there is demand for Swimming CPD in the borough, something we’d hoped to deliver this term, but this has proven challenging to arrange.  We hope to provide a positive update in term 2.

Also coming up in Term 2 are:

PE & School Sport Improvement Workshops

  • ECT PE Development: Tuesday 23rd January 2024
  • Physical Literacy & Other Inclusive Interventions: Tuesday 12th March 2024


Practical PE Delivery Workshops 

  • Dance: Wednesday 7th February 2024
  • Swimming: Date TBC


Our mid-year PE Subject Leader Meeting is also taking place during term two on Wednesday 14th February. This will provide you with updates regarding competitions, summer term ideas/opportunities and looking in more detail at the recently released Sport England physical literacy consensus statement and what impact that could have within your school 💙

As we come to the end of the first term a brief update on how our CPD programme has shaped up so far this year and what is upcoming in term two.

Our CPD programme aims to improve school staff confidence and competence within different areas of Physical Education, School Sport, and Physical Activity. By upskilling staff within schools, we are providing more sustainable opportunities for pupils to access and thrive within this sector and therefore promote active and healthy lifestyles.

This term we have had a total of 4 sessions two PE Practical Delivery Sessions in Athletics and Gymnastics and two PE and School Sport Improvement Sessions based around how to be a more active school and our guest speaker session with Teach Active on how to make Maths more active. These have been well attended with 20 different schools having accessed at least one of these sessions.

We know there is demand for Swimming CPD in the borough, something we’d hoped to deliver this term, but this has proven challenging to arrange.  We hope to provide a positive update in term 2.







Also coming up in Term 2 are:

PE & School Sport Improvement Workshops

  • ECT PE Development: Tuesday 23rd January 2024
  • Physical Literacy & Other Inclusive Interventions: Tuesday 12th March 2024


Practical PE Delivery Workshops

  • Dance: Wednesday 7th February 2024
  • Swimming: Date TBC


Our mid-year PE Subject Leader Meeting is also taking place during term two on Wednesday 14th February. This will provide you with updates regarding competitions, summer term ideas/opportunities and looking in more detail at the recently released Sport England physical literacy consensus statement and what impact that could have within your school.


Since the launch of Mrs Start’s Inclusive Sports and Activity Club, we have seen a huge increase in participation. A fantastic mixture of children join the club every Tuesday for an hour of active play and sport related games.






One parent who attend the club with their child said “the club is a great chance for children like my son to take part in a club outside of school that offers a wide range of activities for them to get stuck into. My son has had the chance to meet other children like him and his confidence has grown massively since coming.” 

A child who regularly attends the club said “I love coming to Mrs Start’s club because i like playing with the different toys. I like the big ball and the fishes in the water.”









We love being able to offer an opportunity for children who wouldn’t usually attend and after school club, to come and experience playing with different children and developing new skills whilst having lost of fun. 

We hope everyone is enjoying the club so far. If you would like to learn more about the cub, or book your child onto a session, head to the community section of our website! Thank you 1f499.png