


Amber Valley SSP offer high quality sports camps for children aged 5-11 at Swanwick School and Sports College, which offers fantastic facilities and opportunity for a wide range of activities.

A full day of activity (8.30am-3pm) costs only £10 and can be paid via BACC’s transfer or cash on the day.

Camps are delivered by our team of experienced, fully qualified staff with activities such as football, dodgeball, invasion games, archery, fencing, inflatable assault course, bouncy castle and much more on offer for your children. Below are a couple of eye-catching days for your children to get excited about this summer.


Football freestyler and world record holder Dan Magness will join us on a Monday for an exciting showcase and skills session, finished off with a game on our brilliant 3G pitch. 
Wednesdays see us get out the super soakers and slip and slide course, so please send your child with a change of clothes and towel to dry off* 
To finish the week off we bring out the bouncy castles and giant slide for a fun filled Friday.


To make a booking please complete the form below:

    Please mark the dates you require below


    Oct HT
    Wednesday 30th

    *if you would like to book places for more than 2 children please complete and submit an additional form

    Do you agree to photos to be taken of your child for marketing and promotional materials (required)

    Do you agree to information being stored and processed for communication purposes in accordance with GDPR (required)

    I understand that if any of the children included in this booking are under the age of 5 or over the age of 11 on the selected date(s) they are liable to be refused admittance upon arrival with no refunds offered (required)

    Payment Method (required)
    Paypal - £10Cash on day - £15

    Please tick to state you have read and agree to our Terms and Conditions.

    If you have chosen to pay via bank transfer please use the details below:

    Amber Valley School Sport Partnership

    Sort code: 30-92-59
    Account no: 38603568
    Reference: HC – Your childs’ name(s)
    Amount due = £10 per day, per child

    *please note that our wet activities on a Wednesday will be weather permitted.