
Amber Valley SSP are committed to supporting local schools and SEN/D departments to provide high quality, developmental experiences for all pupils. Our long standing partnership with Swanwick School & Sports College, a lead Teaching Schools Alliance member helps to steer our offer and provides us with a terrific sounding board. We also work alongside the Lead Inclusion School for Derbyshire to ensure we are providing opportunities for pupils of all ability levels to participate, achieve and lead through PE & Sport. AVSSP delivers a range of competitions and events exclusively targeting students with SEN/D across Amber Valley at both Primary and Secondary level.

These events give students who would not usually represent their school in sport an opportunity to compete against other schools in a fun, safe, developmental environment in a range of different sports and physical activities. Some of the sports we deliver competitions in include Boccia, Athletics, Football, Futsal, Tennis, Wheelchair Basketball as well as a Multi-sport festival! We also provide support to our schools in delivering sport to students with SEN/D and work closely with all 3 Amber Valley special schools to ensure opportunities for participation and achievement are shared far and wide

We are also lucky to have Team GB Paralympian Phil Hogg as a sporting ambassador of the organisation