As we come to the end of the first term a brief update on how our CPD programme has shaped up so far this year and what is upcoming in term two.
Our CPD programme aims to improve school staff confidence and competence within different areas of Physical Education, School Sport, and Physical Activity. By upskilling staff within schools, we are providing more sustainable opportunities for pupils to access and thrive within this sector and therefore promote active and healthy lifestyles.
This term we have had a total of 4 sessions two PE Practical Delivery Sessions in Athletics and Gymnastics and two PE and School Sport Improvement Sessions based around how to be a more active school and our guest speaker session with Teach Active on how to make Maths more active. These have been well attended with 20 different schools having accessed at least one of these sessions.
We know there is demand for Swimming CPD in the borough, something we’d hoped to deliver this term, but this has proven challenging to arrange. We hope to provide a positive update in term 2.

Also coming up in Term 2 are:
PE & School Sport Improvement Workshops
- ECT PE Development: Tuesday 23rd January 2024
- Physical Literacy & Other Inclusive Interventions: Tuesday 12th March 2024
Practical PE Delivery Workshops
- Dance: Wednesday 7th February 2024
- Swimming: Date TBC
Our mid-year PE Subject Leader Meeting is also taking place during term two on Wednesday 14th February. This will provide you with updates regarding competitions, summer term ideas/opportunities and looking in more detail at the recently released Sport England physical literacy consensus statement and what impact that could have within your school.