
Please see the below information and resources which can be utilised in schools for competition, PE, Leadership or Physical Literacy. Many of these resources have been succeeded by newer documents but we hope they still have a use within your school

Our 2015 playground and level challenges can be downloaded here Level 1 Competitions

Results can be posted online in the final week of the competition with the link emailed out via the newsletter.

Also in this section you can utilise some of the other templates and resources that have been created over the past years to support your school with level 1 competitions.

Please download the various ideas we have produced for level 1 school competition. Clicking on the title of competiton will open up the resource (highlighted blue). If you have any ideas please get in touch

Sportshall Awards  This is the download for the ‘class’ score sheet. It will provide you with a compeleted excel file that works out the scores for the awards scheme. The five activities to be completed are Standing Long Jump, Speed Bounce, Target Throw, Chest Push and Shuttle Run. Click this AV_Guidance document and sportshall awards class score sheet for documents to assist with the scoring and setting up of the awards.

Fixture sheets & game timings – Excel Document with various game time optionsFixtures for 3 teamsFixtures for 4 teamsFixtures for 5 teamsFixtures for 6 teams       If you want to easily change the  team hold ‘CTRL and F’ to find and replace a number for a team name

Run to Rio – competition which is aimed at maintaining the interest in the Olympics and Paralympics

Playground Olympics – a power point document with document which adapts some Olympic sports and maes them playground friendly

Walk, Scoot or Run to London – provides three options to get students to London ready for the 2012 Olympics, running, on scooters or walking

AVSSP Launch to London – competition giving students to Launch themselves to London, score sheets downloaded here Launch to London Score Sheets

VSSP_BEAN BAG OLYMPICS – simple programme of activities involving minimal equipment with ban bags and hoops as the main equipment need

Intra Ideas Booklet  very simple and easy activities to do which involve easy scoring and easy set up

Football World Cup Challenges –  football challeges which are simple, easy and fun to participate in

Rugby Challenges – 5 challenges which were created in the lead up to the Rugby World Cup, simple and easy to set up

Criket Five Tests Challenge  another set of challenges before the lead up to the ‘Ashes’ competition. Involves some team work.