The first Friday back after half term saw AVSSP host their annual Junior Sports Leaders (JSL) conference at Ripley Leisure Centre. The day consisted of two sessions, one in the morning for Yr 5/6 and one in the afternoon for Yr 2.

The idea of the conference is to introduce children to the role of a JSL and give them tips and ideas on how to become a successful leader.

Throughout the day children took part in 6 different activities that were designed to up-skill them in different areas of the role. For example, one activity was based on games without equipment. Some schools don’t always have lots of playtime equipment available or, the leaders don’t always have time to get equipment out. Therefore we wanted to introduce games and ideas for children to use when they are flying solo. Such as Stuck in The Mud, a classic tag game that can be played by anyone and everyone in the playground.

Another activity was set up to give JSLs the chance to practice delivering their own games. Leaders are given a resource pack at the start of their JSL training, this pack is their cheat sheet to being a leader. It has a number of different game ideas in it and explains step by step how to deliver and play the game. Children had the chance to read over one of the games in the resource and then practice delivering it to the other members of their group. With the help of AVSSP staff, JSLs were able to understand and execute an active playtime game with their fellow leaders.

The Junior Sport Leaders programme is a fantastic chance for the eldest children in school to become an active role model to younger students. Their job is to increase participation in physical activity throughout the school day whilst also assisting with equipment pack up, PE lessons, sports day and much more.

If you haven’t yet had Junior Sports Leaders training in your school and you are interested in being a part of it contact 

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the conference, we hope you had a fun day 💙