Our team have years of experience in planning and delivering an effective PE curriculum which allows children to develop new skills, progress through the key stages and above all enjoy being active.
Through our own schemes of work we can help your school to improve it’s delivery of PE and offer children excellent PE provision in schools across all sizes, demographics and facilities
Increase the confidence, knowledge base and understanding of your own staff through regular CPD with our experience staff.
Immersive Team-teaching style CPD is one of the most effective methods of upskilling staff members and represents a sustainable, effective spend of PE & Sport Premium Funding
It’s vital to ensure that your schools entire PESSPA offer is inclusive and fit for purpose for a range of pupil groups.
Through accessing AVSSP’s Extra-curricular offer you are able to broaden the range of sports on offer to your pupils or even ensure a wider range of pupils are catered for.
We’d always recommend considering a targeted extra-curricular offer for groups including Pupil Premium, SEND, Girls only, Emerging skillsets or High achievers
We understand that whilst a best practice approach would be to afford teaching staff valuable CPD alongside PE delivery specialists that on occasion schools are required to align PE delivery with class teacher PPA time for timetabling reasons.
All AVSSP staff are qualified to deliver curriculum PE, holding either the Level 3 certificate in the delivery of PE & School Sport, an NGB Level 2 Sports Coaching qualification, qualified teacher status or a combination of the three.
In addition all staff hold up to date DBS certificates, First Aid at work qualifications and annual Safeguarding course attendance with all staff employed through Safer Recruitment regulations
Amber Valley SSP draw up on decades worth of experience in planning, delivering and evaluating Primary School PE to design progressive, inclusive lesson plans for our staff and schools to use.
Our schemes of work are embedded in fundamental skills and work towards the National Curriculum targets for their Key Stage.
Our team are also expected to regularly assess pupil progress according to a Emerge, Expected, Excel process whilst providing data to inform extra-curricular provision, school teams & intervention strategies.
All partner schools are able to access an online portal to easily access schemes of work, resources, assessment guidance and more.
To support the physical and emotional development of your pupils it’s often important to consider a range of intervention strategies to ensure you are meeting the needs of all students.
Some children will need support in development their Fundamental Motor Skills, students with Additional Needs may need bespoke opportunities while others may benefit from further opportunities to compete at a high level.
AVSSP staff are able to plan and deliver a wide range of Intervention Strategies to improve your PESSPA offer

If you would like to find out more about how our PE Delivery programme can benefit your school please complete the enquiry form below