During the February 2019 half term break AVSSP flew out to India to support the development of teachers working in the slum area of Howrah, Kolkata. The teachers were given PE planning and resources to support the delivery of PE in the school. We were extremely well received in the community and the week gave us a great insight into daily life for many of the children in the area. We are looking into ways to continually support the development of the schools PE and Physical Activity in Howrah.
The school hosts hundreds of students with classes regularly exceeding 60 pupils to one teacher all with the bare minimum equipment, working in partnership with Reydon Sports we were able to provide the school and community with all important, basic equipment such as balls, cones, bibs and basic goals to enable more effective teaching of PE and Sport in a country which is struggling to control its obesity epidemic.
If you’d like to hear more about our work in Kolkata or even how you could support please get in touch