The Charity
Since 2015 Amber Valley School Sport Partnership has been constituted as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). More information about what a CIO is can be found at the gov website.
Being a charity has allowed us to open our work further to include not only the children in local schools but to be for the benefit of all people living in Amber Valley and surrounding areas. Our charity functions to deliver interventions to improve people’s health. Our charities information can be found using our charity number 1162691 and visiting the charity commission web page. As part of this information you will find our detailed charitable objects which are:
“The objects of the CIO are, for the benefit of people living in Amber Valley, Derbyshire and surrounding areas:
1) The promotion of community participation in healthy recreation by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities and opportunities to access sports and activities which promote health by involving physical exertion.
2) To promote and protect physical health by providing education and advice on nutrition and exercise.”
Our charity is Trustee led:
Trustee: Wendy Lynam

I am a headteacher in Amber Valley and our school have hugely benefitted from working with AVSSP. The quality of our PE provision is second to none and the staff CPD has benefitted our team. Our children love the competitions which AVSSP organise. I fully support the strategic vision for the charity: to support schools and community groups access high quality physical activity and sport provision which will develop lifelong skills and create healthy and active lifestyles. The senior leadership are passionate about this and it is the foundation for all work carried out in schools in our local area.
I am the link safeguarding trustee which involves ensuring that the charity have robust policies and procedures in place which are understood by all staff.
Chair: Paul Lesson

When I retired as a headteacher from a small Amber Valley school in April 2020 I was delighted to be asked to join AVSSP as a trustee. I did this so willingly because I had witnessed first hand the value which the trust adds to education of the children in our area through sport, participation and competition. Their provision has grown and developed over time with the inclusion of experiential days such as the “Tough Runner” assault course, which was very popular at my school with both children and parents alike. I am keen to ensure the ongoing success and development of the trust as we move forward together.
These days I continue to enjoy sport as both a spectator and through my participation. You may spot me out for a walk, a jog or hunting for a ball on a golf course!
Trustee: Kim Buxton

My name is Kim Buxton and I am a recently retired Headteacher and became a trustee of Amber Valley School Sports Partnership (AVSSP) in October this year (2020). My incentive for becoming a trustee was that I saw pupils and staff at my school benefit from the excellent opportunities and services provided by the coaches and staff.
Throughout my time working in schools, I have always ensured that sport and physical activity have had a high profile. It is my belief that getting children interested in sport not only helps them develop a healthy lifestyle, but it also sets them on the right course to be successful in the future. It enables them to develop team work, communication and social skills. It also fosters a positive attitude, motivation, commitment, high aspiration and a drive to achieve their goals. On a personal level, I love sport in all its forms both as a participant and as a spectator and still compete at local and national orienteering events across the country.
I want to support the partnership in any way I can to continue the outstanding work they do for our young people across the borough.
Trustee: Chris Pienaar

Chris was asked to become a trustee of AVSSP in late 2020 when the world was gripped by a global pandemic and used his business development experience to help guide the organisation in unprecedented times.
Originally from South Africa, Chris has forged a successful career in a number of sports, health and community development roles in Amber Valley and Derbyshire. As lead of Derbyshire Autism Services Chris can count local economic development, community development, business development, learning disability and neurodivergence experience, youth development, sports development and health development among his arsenal of current and previous roles and responsibilities.
Chris is also Derbyshire third sector representative on the Integrated Care Partnership and Executive and always offers a unique perspective on the strategic development of the organisation which has proven increasingly vital during his three years to date with the charity.
A keen sportsman, Chris can often be enticed to trustee meetings simply by the offer of a Bacon sandwich!
Trustee: Inez Hewitt-Richards

My name is Inez Hewitt-Richards, I’m a recently retired PE and school sport coordinator. I have been involved with AVSSP since 2013 when I first became the coordinator for PE at a large Amber Valley Primary School. I have always been impressed with the provision that AVSSP has offered to the borough over the years and when I was invited to join the board of trustees, I was more than happy to accept. The school and the community that I worked in has benefitted from the continued growth and development of the organisation as it has met the changing needs of physical education in schools and in the wider community.
AVSSP has enabled schools through their support, coaching program, CPD, leadership program and competitions to encourage pupils to become more active and provide children with a fun and satisfying way to develop their personal and social skills. By improving children’s sense of belonging, team work, confidence, resilience and self-esteem, PE and school sport can have an impact on children’s attitudes, behaviour and achievement within school as a whole. Furthermore, by taking on a variety of roles within PE and sport, children can develop and apply their self-management, creative, thinking and leadership skills, helping them to become more effective learners.
I aim to support and encourage AVSSP to do all they can to continue and expand the amazing work that they do for the children, school staff and communities that they work in.
Trustee: Chris Greenhough

Chris has been involved with AVSSP since its earliest days as Headteacher of the organisation’s “host site” Swanwick School & Sports College. While AVSSP no longer reside at the school Chris has always been a consistent presence in supporting the organisation and helps to provide both a secondary and special school perspective.
Chris officially became a charity trustee in September 2023 and brings a range of experience both from an operational and strategic perspective. Chris’ experience allows him to offer guidance on the types of projects and activities which may meet the needs of staff and pupils but can also support charity management by leaning on his experience in financial management and capital investment projects including 3G all weather pitch facilities and club development.
As head at a school which has benefitted greatly from it’s work with AVSSP Chris has been able to witness first hand the implementation of projects including the 2012 Mini Olympics, the introduction of Holiday Camps, Secondary Teacher Training programmes, Tough Runner events and much more!
Chris is a very keen golfer, climber and tennis player and occasionally enjoys watching Stoke City!
Trustee: Carly Howell

The Trustees are responsible for the charity and normally collectively meet three times a year, to lead the charity forward in achieving its charitable aims.